Feb 19, 2022
The Horticulturati is two years old! To celebrate, Colleen announces the release of her new BOOK and Leah brings you to the dark side of the plant kingdom with sinister tales of the horticultural uncanny. Journey with us to “Flytrap Gulch,” the Alnwick Poison Garden, and a greenhouse full of googly eyes. In the words of Michael Pollan: “A garden should contain all the colors of human emotion, even the very darkest.”
Order Colleen's book here. Want to support the show and get 20% off the book? Join our Patreon!
Mentioned in this episode:
Daisy Butcher, ed Evil Roots: Killer Tales of the Botanical Gothic (2019); Wicked Plants by Amy Stewart (2009); “So Beautiful, This Ghastly Flower” by Michael Pollan, The New York Times (9/18/97).